Saturday 12 April 2014

What will you miss when you switch to GNU/Linux?

[Part 1]


Now that Microsoft has pulled the plug from Windows XP and it is no longer supported, here is a new post about an interesting topic that I'd like to share with all of you :)

When you will migrate from Microsoft Windows to GNU/Linux, there will be certainly some steps/things you used to do when you were using Windows and you no longer need to do that any more.

In Part 1, I shall list 10 of these things that you will miss badly ;)

  1. You can 'Try' a GNU/Linux system 'Before' you actually install it on your hardware. Either by using LiveCD or LiveUSB or a Virtual Machine. You don't have to 'install' and waste your time.
  2. To Start using Ubuntu or Start using any other GNU/Linux system, all what you need to do is to download the system from the internet FREE of charge without paying to anyone anything whatsoever.
  3. You're no longer in need to upgrade your 'Hardware' to use a modern new Operating System. You can enjoy the latest technology - now we're in 2014 - with your current hardware. Save your money for something else.
  4. Because of #2, you are no longer required to enter long 25 digits serial license key in order to install a GNU/Linux Operating System.
  5. Most of GNU/Linux Distributions - Specially Ubuntu and its official flavors - will be installed with many applications/programs by default. You just need to install your favourite ones if these aren't installed already by default.
  6. You don't have to open your 'Browser' and visit any 'Web Site' to 'Install' any program/application. This can be done within your system either by: Terminal, Synaptic and/or a Software Center and all these 3 methods are available with Ubuntu and its variants by default.
  7. No more 'Right Click > Refresh' to your Desktop. You will miss this one so badly.
  8. You're very lucky that you no longer need to use Internet Explorer to install a better browser. A better browser is installed by default when you install Ubuntu (or any of its official variants) or any GNU/Linux Distribution.
  9. No Anti-Virus or similar programs are needed any more.
  10. And, in most cases, you don't need to install any 'Drivers', your machine will just work 'Out Of The Box'.

This is Part 1 and hopefully, when I got more time, I shall write Part 2.

Thank you so much for your time and please spread the word if you find this post is useful :) 

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