Saturday 5 April 2014

Tips: Facebook Pages and User Interaction


Lately, there were lots of talk between the members of ITA Team about our Facebook Page that we're using now to promote and share our ideas, thoughts, tips, lessons, etc.

I have discussed with my brothers and friends about the effective ways to increase our users interactions and most importantly, increasing our posts' viewers. To make it simple and short, I will share some screenshots so hopefully my ideas will be clear and easy to understand :)

Are you ready? let's do it :)

These are some screenshots from random posts from our page on Facebook

Total Likes = Only 6
Total Comments = 4
Total viewers = 1942

Total Likes = Only 4
Total Comments = 1
Total viewers = 76

Total Likes = Only 12
Total Comments = 3 (excluding the replies)
Total viewers = 260

Total Likes = Only 21
Total Comments = 6 
Total viewers = 945

Total Likes = Only 2
Total Comments = 0
Total viewers = 51

Total Likes = Only 15
Total Comments = 3 
Total viewers = 3948

Now, what does that mean?
  1. The more the content of a post is interesting, the more viewers a post on our page may get but that does not mean more interaction from the users (Likes and/or Comments).
  2. Some posts aren't interested at all for most of the people and that is clear from the lack of viewers, likes and comments.
  3. Seems that our followers are silent followers and prefer to 'see' or 'read' without interacting much with the page (likes and/or comments).
  4. We don't have yet a clear vision of what exactly do we want? more followers? more interaction? more viewers?
  5. We must keep in mind that the posts that we're publishing are kind of 'new' to Iraqi people and perhaps it takes more time for them to be more familiar with the posts. Being silent means either they're not really understand what is going on or maybe they have nothing to share or say since what we're posting is somehow more or beyond of their knowledge. Those who post either they want that or they know what we're talking about.
Of course, there are other remarks and notes that I have noticed. 

I have maintained two plans:
  • Plan A: Publish a post every one hour and this feature helped me to do so

This is an amazing way to publish in a given pattern or time frame even though you're offline.
  • Plan B: publish few posts during the day with random time frame between each post in different times.

So far, nothing huge yet but it is just the beginning and I'm sure we shall come up with a better way to do this :)

If you want a prove for the above, simply do this with a page you're following:

Now, do that with other pages you're following.

You will notice by time that, the pages with 'less' interactions from their followers will NOT show up on your Home Page/Feed but you will still get a notification if that page will publish anything.

This is very very important. Which led me to think of finding a way to solve this.

I did a search on the internet and found two very helpful articles that I'd like to share with everyone:

I've been with Facebook since 2005 or 2006 and I'm now handling more than 10 pages at the very same time. I actually lost counting, I guess I have more than 10 pages and all of these are active. But that does make me a genius, specially that Facebook is always changing their policy every now and then.
However, from a long experience, I was able to observe what is wrong and I have taken some notes which I shared some on this post and hopefully can discuss further notes on our weekly meetings with the members of ITA Team.

Rome wasn't build in one day :)
We're still in the beginning. Being in hurry and do everything without a solid plan will harm us more than being useful. Failure or not achieving what we're looking for might kill our motivation and affect our performance and everything. So, we need to think wisely and carefully and discuss :)

That is why we have a team. That is why "All of us are smarter than anyone of us."

Hope this was helpful. I'm going to share this with the rest of the team 'before' the meeting so that they might have enough time to read it :)

Thanks for your time! 

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