Thursday 10 April 2014

Urgent need to two roles within ITA Team


While this might sound crazy, trust me it is true. I woke up today with an odd feeling that there is something really missing or wrong within ITA Team. At first, I couldn't figure it out, it was just a feeling. Few minutes ago, the idea finally came to my mind and I'd like to share it so there you go.

I realized that there is a huge burden and extra efforts that myself, Atheer and probably other members of ITA are putting into these two areas:

  • The Recruiting Process for New Members
  • Social Media
If truth to be told, I'm finding myself stuck into an infinite loop of these two areas and with all the honesty in the world, I don't think this is right. Yes, as a founder, ITA is my baby and same goes to Atheer but putting so much efforts into two areas and focusing on them more than focusing on the other areas or to put that correctly, we're spending 'more' time on these areas than anything else ... well, this is IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) not correct at all.

Thus, something has to be done in order to fix this.

HOWTO Fix this situation?
  1. We need someone who is 100% dedicated to the recruitment process of new members to ITA Team. He/She will do nothing but being in charge of the recruitment process which I shall explain later in this post. Why then we said previously "recruiting is one of the Team Leaders Tasks" ? the answer is very simple: because we have ONLY TWO Team Leaders at the moment and many people are joining; it would be very bad to tell them "Sorry, we can't accept newcomers unless we have 25 team leaders." This is just non sense and very wrong, IMHO.
  2. We need someone who is 100% dedicated to the Social Media. ITA needs Facebook Page (exist), Twitter Account (not yet exist), Google+ Page (exist) and YouTube Channel (exist). These channels are exist (except for the twitter account) but we don't have yet someone who is fully available to take care of these channels.

Who will be in charge of these two roles?
Actually, anyone except the current Team Leaders (Sarmed and Haider) of ITA for two good reasons: 
a- Both are busy with their study.
b- Haider is already recruiting for his team which is one of his tasks but he is not in charge of recruiting for the other 24 Sub-Teams.

So, to put that in a simple sentence: ANYONE can join and accept these two roles whether he/she is a current member of ITA Team OR someone to step in and take the full responsibility of these two roles.

Important Note:
These two roles are kind of temporary roles. Once we finish setting up all the 25 Sub-Teams, those who are in charge of these two roles, will be part of Marketing and Communications Team. But of course, if someone is skilled and experienced enough to take the lead of that department or Sub-Team, then why not? that would be even better :)

What I'm trying to say is: it is optional for these roles either to be permanent and part of the team for the long run or just temporary and it is entirely up to the one who will step in.

How many people do we need?
It depends. It could be two people, one for each role. It could be only one person who will be in charge of both roles. Again, that is entirely up to the people who will step in :)

Okay, that looks great but more details, please?
I shall now explain in more depth about these two roles:

The Recruiting Process:
The good news is, whoever will be in charge of this role, he/she might not really need to hunt for newcomers to our team but rather be in charge of showing them the way.

Steps to be done:
  1. Be the Guide who will walk the newcomers through basic yet very important steps to make them feel comfortable.
  2. Newcomers must be aware of all these information before they officially join. They might not like the idea or can't be part of such team. By having someone who will take care of the explaining part to the rules and conditions (AKA Roadmap of ITA Team); this will ensure the rest of the team won't waste their time and energy to re-explain everything all over again.
  3. Walk them through ITA Blog which is our current site. Many important information are stored there and each and everyone who is willing to join ITA Team, he/she must be aware of.
  4. Explain to the newcomers the internal structure of the 25 Sub-Teams and help them to choose the right Sub-Team as per their desire, skills and experience.
  5. Answer any question that a newcomer might ask.
Basically, the above 5 steps are the process of recruitment that myself and Atheer (the founders of ITA Team) need to repeat each and every time a newcomer is willing to join. This is actually just one part of it, not the whole thing :)
Yes, indeed, it is a huge burden, specially when you have so many things to do. That is why, I thought to come up with this plan to save our time and make the process more efficient and headache free.

Social Media:
Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are needed channels to spread the word of ITA. I know Iraqi people are in deep love with Facebook but who said Facebook is the only Social Media Channel? surely, there are more ;)

Things to be done:
  1. Publish our meeting logs/minutes on the Social Media Channels.
  2. Publish our news and updates.
  3. Make sure to reach out for more subscribers and followers.
  4. Make sure to increase the interactions with our Social Media Channels.
  5. Be the marketing front line to our Team.
  6. He/She will have access to our Facebook Page, Google+ Page and Twitter Account (after we create one).
  7. Can also participate to publish some interesting stuff and news related to Technology.
  8. He/She must be aware of this.

  • We do need two roles within ITA Team - urgently
  • It could be two people, one for each role or it could be one person who will take care of two roles. That is entirely up to the person who will step in and his/her skills and experience.
  • Whoever will be in charge of these two roles can take the lead of ITA Marketing and Communications Sub-Team if he/she is eligible for that. Or, this could be temporary roles. That is up to the one who will step in and the skills + experience he/she has.
  • Obviously, whoever will step in, he/she needs to understand he/she needs to be 100% aware of what he will communicate to everyone. He/She should be able to work independently without asking so many Qs. That said, those who will step in, must be aware of our Roadmap, rules, policy, ... really everything.
  • This idea is meant to save time and energy, reduce the efforts and make the whole process into these two areas as smooth as possible and as efficient as possible.
  • All the above is one of the things that the founders of ITA Team are doing on daily basis and it is time to reduce the burden on their shoulders.
  • Definitely, these two roles require someone with skills and experience. It is 100% pointless to recruit someone without the needed requirements. 
  • The work flow for everyone should be better and the team work spirit will be utilized to the maximum. 

Well, that is all for now.

I shall share this with ITA Team and hope we will start doing that very soon :)

Thank you for your time!

If this idea won't be helpful to the entire team, it will help me personally BIG TIME as I'm having a real hard time. This idea will save lots of team and will enhance the work flow. I really hope so :)

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