On the 2nd of April, 2014 I have proposed a list of 25 Sub-Team for ITA.
As explained and promised on my previous post, it is time for version 2.0 and tell you the truth, I didn't see that coming nor I expected that would be so quick but I just love it. It means we're thinking correctly and sharing our thoughts.
Special thanks to Haider Al Najafi and Mustafa Farid for their suggestions. We highly appreciate that.
[Current] Version 1.0 of ITA Sub-Team
On the 2nd of April, 2014 I have proposed a list of 25 Sub-Team for ITA.
As explained and promised on my previous post, it is time for version 2.0 and tell you the truth, I didn't see that coming nor I expected that would be so quick but I just love it. It means we're thinking correctly and sharing our thoughts.
Special thanks to Haider Al Najafi and Mustafa Farid for their suggestions. We highly appreciate that.
[Current] Version 1.0 of ITA Sub-Team
- Android
- Blackberry
- Brainstorming
- Developers
- Documentation
- Games
- GNU/Linux
- Graphics Design/Artwork
- Hardware
- iOS
- Mac & Mac OS
- Marketing & Communications
- Networking
- Programming
- Projects
- QA
- Security and Ethical Hackers
- Smart Phone
- Software
- Special Cases
- Technical Support
- Translations
- Video Editing
- Web Design
- Windows
My Analysis
- Android
- Blackberry
- Brainstorming
- Developers
- Documentation
- Games
- GNU/Linux
- Graphics Design/Artwork
- Hardware
- iOS
- Mac & Mac OS
- Marketing & Communications
- Networking
- Programming
- Projects
- QA
- Security and Ethical Hackers
- Smart Phone
- Software
- Special Cases
- Technical Support
- Translations
- Video Editing
- Web Design
- Windows
I have highlighted the Sub-Teams of 'the same nature' with the same color. For example: Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux of the same nature.
I have use same color but different degree when there are closed Sub-Teams from each other but with different Interest. For example: Developers, Programmers, Games and Web Design. All are dealing with codes but the result or the interest is a bit different.
Note 1 : The ones highlighted with Red and Italic, those are to be removed, IMHO.
Note 2: some Sub-Teams highlighted with the same color can be merged and some can not.
My Suggestion
- Android, Blackberry and iOS to be merged together with Smart Phone and the New Sub-Team will be named: Smart Phone Operating System Sub-Team. This means (25-3 = 22).
- Brainstorming, Projects and Special Cases to be safely removed. Why? because these 3 processes/fields can be inside each and every Sub-Team so there is absolutely no need to separate them. This means (22-3 = 19).
- Hardware, Software and Technical Support to be merged in one team, that is: HelpDesk Support. This means (19-2 = 17).
- Developers and Programming to be merged in one team, that is: Programming Languages. This means (17-1 =16).
- Graphics Design and Video Editing to be merged in one team, that is: Artwork. This means (16-1 =15).
- Everything else remain the same without any merge except for minor renaming (if needed).
[Proposal] ITA Sub-Teams Version 2.0
- Documentations
- Games
- GNU/Linux
- Mac OS
- Marketing & Communications
- Networking & Internet
- Quality Assurance (QA) - Testing/Bugs
- Computer Security, Cryptography and Ethical Hackers
- Translations
- Web Design
- Windows
- Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers)
- Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing)
- Smart Phone OS (Android, iOS and Blackberry)
- HelpDesk Support (Hardware and Software)
- Servers - NEW
- Scientific Research & E-Learning (for students to learn how to think for any researchers & E-Learning) - NEW
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) - NEW
- Computer Architecture and Engineering - NEW
- Database - NEW
- Health Informatics - NEW
- Inventions - NEW
- Software Engenerring and Inforamtion Science - NEW
- Project Management - NEW
- Human Resources and Management - NEW
Why there are 10 new Sub-Teams?
- Computer Science has many fields.
- There is a great need to specific Sub-Teams, such us #25
ITA Sub-Team Roadmap
As I have explained on my previous post, we must slow down and KISS. When it comes to 25 different Sub-Teams, this rule is definitely worth applying. That said, here is a simple and quick plan. We do need to follow the Phases Approach to make life easier for everyone and reduce any kind of errors/mistake as much as possible.
Phase 1
Setting up these Sub-Teams:
- Documentations - We have TL
- Games - We have TL
- GNU/Linux - We have TL
- Marketing & Communications - Urgent Need
- Networking & Internet - We have TL
- Quality Assurance (QA) - Testing/Bugs
- Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers)
- Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing) - We have TL
- Scientific Research & E-Learning (for students to learn how to think for any researchers & E-Learning) - NEW
- Human Resources and Management - NEW - Urgent Need
Phase 2
Setting up these Sub-Teams:
- Mac OS
- Computer Security, Cryptography and Ethical Hackers
- Translations
- Web Design
- Windows
- Smart Phone OS (Android, iOS and Blackberry)
- HelpDesk Support (Hardware and Software)
- Servers - NEW
- AI (Artificial Intelligence) - NEW
- Computer Architecture and Engineering - NEW
- Database - NEW
- Health Informatics - NEW
- Inventions - NEW
- Software Engenerring and Inforamtion Science - NEW
- Project Management - NEW
Phase 3
Setting up the Technical Bored which should have - as per ITA Roadmap - 2 to 10 members and most likely, those members will be part of the Sub-Teams but with super high skills and great experience.
IMHO, ITA Sub-Teams right now are more powerful and better with even more variety and so many different fields. Above all, we shall operate in Phases so that we won't make it hard and in order to KISS.
Thank you!
Thank you for your time. I hope my ideas are helpful and accepted.