Wednesday, 16 April 2014

ITA Sub-Teams version 2.0


On the 2nd of April, 2014 I have proposed a list of 25 Sub-Team for ITA.

As explained and promised on my previous post, it is time for version 2.0 and tell you the truth, I didn't see that coming nor I expected that would be so quick but I just love it. It means we're thinking correctly and sharing our thoughts. 

Special thanks to Haider Al Najafi and Mustafa Farid for their suggestions. We highly appreciate that.

[Current] Version 1.0 of ITA Sub-Team
  1. Android 
  2. Blackberry 
  3. Brainstorming 
  4. Developers 
  5. Documentation 
  6. Games 
  7. GNU/Linux 
  8. Graphics Design/Artwork 
  9. Hardware 
  10. iOS 
  11. Mac & Mac OS 
  12. Marketing & Communications 
  13. Networking 
  14. Programming 
  15. Projects 
  16. QA 
  17. Security and Ethical Hackers 
  18. Smart Phone 
  19. Software 
  20. Special Cases 
  21. Technical Support 
  22. Translations
  23. Video Editing 
  24. Web Design 
  25. Windows

My Analysis

  1. Android 
  2. Blackberry 
  3. Brainstorming 
  4. Developers 
  5. Documentation 
  6. Games 
  7. GNU/Linux 
  8. Graphics Design/Artwork 
  9. Hardware 
  10. iOS 
  11. Mac & Mac OS 
  12. Marketing & Communications 
  13. Networking 
  14. Programming 
  15. Projects 
  16. QA 
  17. Security and Ethical Hackers 
  18. Smart Phone 
  19. Software 
  20. Special Cases 
  21. Technical Support 
  22. Translations
  23. Video Editing 
  24. Web Design 
  25. Windows

I have highlighted the Sub-Teams of 'the same nature' with the same color. For example: Windows, Mac OS and GNU/Linux of the same nature.

I have use same color but different degree when there are closed Sub-Teams from each other but with different Interest. For example: Developers, Programmers, Games and Web Design. All are dealing with codes but the result or the interest is a bit different. 

Note 1 : The ones highlighted with Red and Italic, those are to be removed, IMHO.

Note 2: some Sub-Teams highlighted with the same color can be merged and some can not.

My Suggestion
  • Android, Blackberry and iOS to be merged together with Smart Phone and the New Sub-Team will be named: Smart Phone Operating System Sub-Team. This means (25-3 = 22).
  • Brainstorming, Projects and Special Cases to be safely removed. Why? because these 3 processes/fields can be inside each and every Sub-Team so there is absolutely no need to separate them. This means (22-3 = 19).
  • Hardware, Software and Technical Support to be merged in one team, that is: HelpDesk Support. This means (19-2 = 17).
  • Developers and Programming to be merged in one team, that is: Programming Languages. This means (17-1 =16).
  • Graphics Design and Video Editing to be merged in one team, that is: Artwork. This means (16-1 =15).
  • Everything else remain the same without any merge except for minor renaming (if needed).

[Proposal] ITA Sub-Teams Version 2.0
  1. Documentations
  2. Games
  3. GNU/Linux
  4. Mac OS
  5. Marketing & Communications
  6. Networking & Internet
  7. Quality Assurance (QA) - Testing/Bugs
  8. Computer Security, Cryptography and Ethical Hackers
  9. Translations
  10. Web Design 
  11. Windows
  12. Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers)
  13. Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing)
  14. Smart Phone OS (Android, iOS and Blackberry)
  15. HelpDesk Support (Hardware and Software)
  16. Servers - NEW
  17. Scientific Research & E-Learning (for students to learn how to think for any researchers & E-Learning) - NEW
  18. AI (Artificial Intelligence) - NEW
  19. Computer Architecture and Engineering - NEW
  20. Database - NEW
  21. Health Informatics - NEW
  22. Inventions - NEW
  23. Software Engenerring and Inforamtion Science - NEW
  24. Project Management - NEW
  25. Human Resources and Management - NEW

Why there are 10 new Sub-Teams?
  • Computer Science has many fields.
  • There is a great need to specific Sub-Teams, such us #25

ITA Sub-Team Roadmap
As I have explained on my previous post, we must slow down and KISS. When it comes to 25 different Sub-Teams, this rule is definitely worth applying. That said, here is a simple and quick plan. We do need to follow the Phases Approach to make life easier for everyone and reduce any kind of errors/mistake as much as possible.

Phase 1
Setting up these Sub-Teams:
  1. Documentations - We have TL
  2. Games - We have TL
  3. GNU/Linux - We have TL
  4. Marketing & Communications - Urgent Need
  5. Networking & Internet - We have TL
  6. Quality Assurance (QA) - Testing/Bugs 
  7. Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers)
  8. Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing) - We have TL
  9. Scientific Research & E-Learning (for students to learn how to think for any researchers & E-Learning) - NEW
  10. Human Resources and Management - NEW - Urgent Need

Phase 2
Setting up these Sub-Teams:

  1. Mac OS
  2. Computer Security, Cryptography and Ethical Hackers
  3. Translations
  4. Web Design 
  5. Windows
  6. Smart Phone OS (Android, iOS and Blackberry)
  7. HelpDesk Support (Hardware and Software)
  8. Servers - NEW
  9. AI (Artificial Intelligence) - NEW
  10. Computer Architecture and Engineering - NEW
  11. Database - NEW
  12. Health Informatics - NEW
  13. Inventions - NEW
  14. Software Engenerring and Inforamtion Science - NEW
  15. Project Management - NEW

Phase 3
Setting up the Technical Bored which should have - as per ITA Roadmap - 2 to 10 members and most likely, those members will be part of the Sub-Teams but with super high skills and great experience.

IMHO, ITA Sub-Teams right now are more powerful and better with even more variety and so many different fields. Above all, we shall operate in Phases so that we won't make it hard and in order to KISS.

Thank you! 
Thank you for your time. I hope my ideas are helpful and accepted.

Slow Down, Think Again and KISS

Dear  all,

ITA Team has been established in 10th of March, 2014. There is no doubt whatsoever that what has been achieved so far is HUGE, period. However, nothing is perfect.

As with any project in the entire world, there must be some ups and downs. There must be some good and bad moments and/or decisions. When you apply this 'standard rule' on ITA, you come to know/notice that despite we have achieved a lot, we have 'failed' to do some necessary and important things. In this post, I shall explain in details and will do my best to KISS (Keep It Simple and Short).

[Mistakes] Why We Must Slow Down?

  1. ITA as an idea and a Project is entirely NEW to Iraqi People. They do need more time to understand what is going on. Not because they're stupid but simply because they didn't get used to such HUGE projects. Since ITA is targeting The Iraqi People, it is very important to understand this fact.
  2. Those who joined ITA Team were, in most cases, lost in the translations. They can't understand what is going on due to the rapid pace of everything around them. Some showed that clearly. Some decided to be silent. But it doesn't require a genius to notice that ... there are lost and they're right. It is normal.
  3. Clearly, even ITA Team Leaders were confused and somehow lost in the middle of what was going on. Again, they do have all the right to be confused.
  4. Lack of clear plan of what we need to exactly do. Yes, there is a Roadmap for ITA but there is NO Roadmap for our actions. We were acting based on day-to-day unplanned decisions. This is a serious mistake IMHO.
  5. Using unreliable platform (Facebook) that is not designed for any kind of Project Management and Planning is a huge mistake.
  6. Depending on Facebook for each and every communications for the team members is yet another mistake. Fact that Iraqis 'are used to' use Facebook for EVERYTHING is not ITA's Problem if truth to be told. There is a reason why there are other sites/platforms out there.
  7. Despite the fact that we had so many meetings, words were much louder than actions. Perhaps the main reason is #1 and #2 above. Another main reason is #5 and #6.
  8. While the intentions were good, kind, nice and noble; one of the mistakes that pushed too hard and made the Founders of ITA burned out quickly is dealing with members, recruiting, social media and marketing tasks ... basically doing everything. Founders shouldn't worry about these things. There is a good reason why we have 25 Sub-Teams.
  9. Because of #4, we have the problem in #8. We should have realized and figured out that since recruiting and communications are happening on Facebook, there should have been a dedicated Department/Sub-Team to take care of that task.

[Solutions] We Must Think Again
  1. Slow Down + KISS (Keep It Simple and Short) - to Solve #1, #2 and #3 in the previous section.
  2. Use Launchpad and Blueprints for Planning and Project Management and use ITA Mailing List and meetings for serious discussions - to solve #4 and #5 in the previous section.
  3. ITA Mailing List MUST be used for day-to-day communications between Team Members. This will reduce the off-topic posts, the endless useless and pointless chat on Facebook Group, unnecessary messages, etc. Facebook must be ONLY used for: (a) Recruiting New Members (will be explained in details later). (b) Schedule meetings events. (c) Welcoming New Members to ITA Team. To solve #6 in the previous section.
  4. Meetings must be between The Founders and The Team Leaders ONLY. Each Team Leader has the full authority to have a meeting for his/her Sub-Team together. Members of ITA without a Team Leader may watch the Meetings Live or after we post the link - to solve #7 in the previous section.
  5. New Department/Sub-Team must be established and it is called: Human Resources or Management. This Sub-Team/Dept. will be fully in charge of: (a) recruiting new members to ITA Team. (b) welcome them and explain to them the basic rules and everything they must be aware of. (c) dealing with any kind of Question or Inquiry from the newcomers to ITA Team. (d) be the direction connection or 3rd party between The Founders and/or Team Leaders and the newcomers to ITA Team. It is very important to understand that newcomers will NOT immediately join any Sub-Team. They will first join the Facebook Group of ITA Team ONLY and Get familiar with everything and understand the basic and only then, they can decide whether to carry on (choose a Sub-Team to join of their choice + Join Launchpad, etc) or leave. To Solve #8 in the previous section.
  6. Yet another New Department/Sub-Team must be established and work side by side with #5 above. This new Sub-Team/Dept. is called Marketing and Communications Team. Yes, it is indeed listed but we failed to deal with it as a very high priority. That supposed to be the first Sub-Team we ever establish before anything else - to solve #9 in the previous section.

[Summary] KISS
It is very ironic that we set the rules and we forget to follow. KISS = Keep It Simple and Short must be our one and only priority.

It is actually 2-in-1 High Priority:
  • Simple = Make life simple and easy for ourselves so we can do the same with others.
  • Short = Make our plans, processes, etc as short as possible and reduce both time and efforts as much as we can.
This is of course if we want a successful project in less time with less efforts.

Coming Next?
Insha'allah I shall write a proposal for the Sub-Team. It would be ITA Sub-Team version 2.0 :)

Yes, obviously after all what I have explained above, I'm NOT happy with the current list and it is time to change.

25 Total number of Sub-Teams will remain intact. I will do my best to come up with a better list and share that for final discussion and vote.

Thank you!
Thank you so much for your time to read my above analysis to the current situation.

"All Of Us Are Smarter Than Anyone Of Us"

Saturday, 12 April 2014

What will you miss when you switch to GNU/Linux?

[Part 1]


Now that Microsoft has pulled the plug from Windows XP and it is no longer supported, here is a new post about an interesting topic that I'd like to share with all of you :)

When you will migrate from Microsoft Windows to GNU/Linux, there will be certainly some steps/things you used to do when you were using Windows and you no longer need to do that any more.

In Part 1, I shall list 10 of these things that you will miss badly ;)

  1. You can 'Try' a GNU/Linux system 'Before' you actually install it on your hardware. Either by using LiveCD or LiveUSB or a Virtual Machine. You don't have to 'install' and waste your time.
  2. To Start using Ubuntu or Start using any other GNU/Linux system, all what you need to do is to download the system from the internet FREE of charge without paying to anyone anything whatsoever.
  3. You're no longer in need to upgrade your 'Hardware' to use a modern new Operating System. You can enjoy the latest technology - now we're in 2014 - with your current hardware. Save your money for something else.
  4. Because of #2, you are no longer required to enter long 25 digits serial license key in order to install a GNU/Linux Operating System.
  5. Most of GNU/Linux Distributions - Specially Ubuntu and its official flavors - will be installed with many applications/programs by default. You just need to install your favourite ones if these aren't installed already by default.
  6. You don't have to open your 'Browser' and visit any 'Web Site' to 'Install' any program/application. This can be done within your system either by: Terminal, Synaptic and/or a Software Center and all these 3 methods are available with Ubuntu and its variants by default.
  7. No more 'Right Click > Refresh' to your Desktop. You will miss this one so badly.
  8. You're very lucky that you no longer need to use Internet Explorer to install a better browser. A better browser is installed by default when you install Ubuntu (or any of its official variants) or any GNU/Linux Distribution.
  9. No Anti-Virus or similar programs are needed any more.
  10. And, in most cases, you don't need to install any 'Drivers', your machine will just work 'Out Of The Box'.

This is Part 1 and hopefully, when I got more time, I shall write Part 2.

Thank you so much for your time and please spread the word if you find this post is useful :) 

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Urgent need to two roles within ITA Team


While this might sound crazy, trust me it is true. I woke up today with an odd feeling that there is something really missing or wrong within ITA Team. At first, I couldn't figure it out, it was just a feeling. Few minutes ago, the idea finally came to my mind and I'd like to share it so there you go.

I realized that there is a huge burden and extra efforts that myself, Atheer and probably other members of ITA are putting into these two areas:

  • The Recruiting Process for New Members
  • Social Media
If truth to be told, I'm finding myself stuck into an infinite loop of these two areas and with all the honesty in the world, I don't think this is right. Yes, as a founder, ITA is my baby and same goes to Atheer but putting so much efforts into two areas and focusing on them more than focusing on the other areas or to put that correctly, we're spending 'more' time on these areas than anything else ... well, this is IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) not correct at all.

Thus, something has to be done in order to fix this.

HOWTO Fix this situation?
  1. We need someone who is 100% dedicated to the recruitment process of new members to ITA Team. He/She will do nothing but being in charge of the recruitment process which I shall explain later in this post. Why then we said previously "recruiting is one of the Team Leaders Tasks" ? the answer is very simple: because we have ONLY TWO Team Leaders at the moment and many people are joining; it would be very bad to tell them "Sorry, we can't accept newcomers unless we have 25 team leaders." This is just non sense and very wrong, IMHO.
  2. We need someone who is 100% dedicated to the Social Media. ITA needs Facebook Page (exist), Twitter Account (not yet exist), Google+ Page (exist) and YouTube Channel (exist). These channels are exist (except for the twitter account) but we don't have yet someone who is fully available to take care of these channels.

Who will be in charge of these two roles?
Actually, anyone except the current Team Leaders (Sarmed and Haider) of ITA for two good reasons: 
a- Both are busy with their study.
b- Haider is already recruiting for his team which is one of his tasks but he is not in charge of recruiting for the other 24 Sub-Teams.

So, to put that in a simple sentence: ANYONE can join and accept these two roles whether he/she is a current member of ITA Team OR someone to step in and take the full responsibility of these two roles.

Important Note:
These two roles are kind of temporary roles. Once we finish setting up all the 25 Sub-Teams, those who are in charge of these two roles, will be part of Marketing and Communications Team. But of course, if someone is skilled and experienced enough to take the lead of that department or Sub-Team, then why not? that would be even better :)

What I'm trying to say is: it is optional for these roles either to be permanent and part of the team for the long run or just temporary and it is entirely up to the one who will step in.

How many people do we need?
It depends. It could be two people, one for each role. It could be only one person who will be in charge of both roles. Again, that is entirely up to the people who will step in :)

Okay, that looks great but more details, please?
I shall now explain in more depth about these two roles:

The Recruiting Process:
The good news is, whoever will be in charge of this role, he/she might not really need to hunt for newcomers to our team but rather be in charge of showing them the way.

Steps to be done:
  1. Be the Guide who will walk the newcomers through basic yet very important steps to make them feel comfortable.
  2. Newcomers must be aware of all these information before they officially join. They might not like the idea or can't be part of such team. By having someone who will take care of the explaining part to the rules and conditions (AKA Roadmap of ITA Team); this will ensure the rest of the team won't waste their time and energy to re-explain everything all over again.
  3. Walk them through ITA Blog which is our current site. Many important information are stored there and each and everyone who is willing to join ITA Team, he/she must be aware of.
  4. Explain to the newcomers the internal structure of the 25 Sub-Teams and help them to choose the right Sub-Team as per their desire, skills and experience.
  5. Answer any question that a newcomer might ask.
Basically, the above 5 steps are the process of recruitment that myself and Atheer (the founders of ITA Team) need to repeat each and every time a newcomer is willing to join. This is actually just one part of it, not the whole thing :)
Yes, indeed, it is a huge burden, specially when you have so many things to do. That is why, I thought to come up with this plan to save our time and make the process more efficient and headache free.

Social Media:
Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are needed channels to spread the word of ITA. I know Iraqi people are in deep love with Facebook but who said Facebook is the only Social Media Channel? surely, there are more ;)

Things to be done:
  1. Publish our meeting logs/minutes on the Social Media Channels.
  2. Publish our news and updates.
  3. Make sure to reach out for more subscribers and followers.
  4. Make sure to increase the interactions with our Social Media Channels.
  5. Be the marketing front line to our Team.
  6. He/She will have access to our Facebook Page, Google+ Page and Twitter Account (after we create one).
  7. Can also participate to publish some interesting stuff and news related to Technology.
  8. He/She must be aware of this.

  • We do need two roles within ITA Team - urgently
  • It could be two people, one for each role or it could be one person who will take care of two roles. That is entirely up to the person who will step in and his/her skills and experience.
  • Whoever will be in charge of these two roles can take the lead of ITA Marketing and Communications Sub-Team if he/she is eligible for that. Or, this could be temporary roles. That is up to the one who will step in and the skills + experience he/she has.
  • Obviously, whoever will step in, he/she needs to understand he/she needs to be 100% aware of what he will communicate to everyone. He/She should be able to work independently without asking so many Qs. That said, those who will step in, must be aware of our Roadmap, rules, policy, ... really everything.
  • This idea is meant to save time and energy, reduce the efforts and make the whole process into these two areas as smooth as possible and as efficient as possible.
  • All the above is one of the things that the founders of ITA Team are doing on daily basis and it is time to reduce the burden on their shoulders.
  • Definitely, these two roles require someone with skills and experience. It is 100% pointless to recruit someone without the needed requirements. 
  • The work flow for everyone should be better and the team work spirit will be utilized to the maximum. 

Well, that is all for now.

I shall share this with ITA Team and hope we will start doing that very soon :)

Thank you for your time!

If this idea won't be helpful to the entire team, it will help me personally BIG TIME as I'm having a real hard time. This idea will save lots of team and will enhance the work flow. I really hope so :)

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Tips: Facebook Pages and User Interaction


Lately, there were lots of talk between the members of ITA Team about our Facebook Page that we're using now to promote and share our ideas, thoughts, tips, lessons, etc.

I have discussed with my brothers and friends about the effective ways to increase our users interactions and most importantly, increasing our posts' viewers. To make it simple and short, I will share some screenshots so hopefully my ideas will be clear and easy to understand :)

Are you ready? let's do it :)

These are some screenshots from random posts from our page on Facebook

Total Likes = Only 6
Total Comments = 4
Total viewers = 1942

Total Likes = Only 4
Total Comments = 1
Total viewers = 76

Total Likes = Only 12
Total Comments = 3 (excluding the replies)
Total viewers = 260

Total Likes = Only 21
Total Comments = 6 
Total viewers = 945

Total Likes = Only 2
Total Comments = 0
Total viewers = 51

Total Likes = Only 15
Total Comments = 3 
Total viewers = 3948

Now, what does that mean?
  1. The more the content of a post is interesting, the more viewers a post on our page may get but that does not mean more interaction from the users (Likes and/or Comments).
  2. Some posts aren't interested at all for most of the people and that is clear from the lack of viewers, likes and comments.
  3. Seems that our followers are silent followers and prefer to 'see' or 'read' without interacting much with the page (likes and/or comments).
  4. We don't have yet a clear vision of what exactly do we want? more followers? more interaction? more viewers?
  5. We must keep in mind that the posts that we're publishing are kind of 'new' to Iraqi people and perhaps it takes more time for them to be more familiar with the posts. Being silent means either they're not really understand what is going on or maybe they have nothing to share or say since what we're posting is somehow more or beyond of their knowledge. Those who post either they want that or they know what we're talking about.
Of course, there are other remarks and notes that I have noticed. 

I have maintained two plans:
  • Plan A: Publish a post every one hour and this feature helped me to do so

This is an amazing way to publish in a given pattern or time frame even though you're offline.
  • Plan B: publish few posts during the day with random time frame between each post in different times.

So far, nothing huge yet but it is just the beginning and I'm sure we shall come up with a better way to do this :)

If you want a prove for the above, simply do this with a page you're following:

Now, do that with other pages you're following.

You will notice by time that, the pages with 'less' interactions from their followers will NOT show up on your Home Page/Feed but you will still get a notification if that page will publish anything.

This is very very important. Which led me to think of finding a way to solve this.

I did a search on the internet and found two very helpful articles that I'd like to share with everyone:

I've been with Facebook since 2005 or 2006 and I'm now handling more than 10 pages at the very same time. I actually lost counting, I guess I have more than 10 pages and all of these are active. But that does make me a genius, specially that Facebook is always changing their policy every now and then.
However, from a long experience, I was able to observe what is wrong and I have taken some notes which I shared some on this post and hopefully can discuss further notes on our weekly meetings with the members of ITA Team.

Rome wasn't build in one day :)
We're still in the beginning. Being in hurry and do everything without a solid plan will harm us more than being useful. Failure or not achieving what we're looking for might kill our motivation and affect our performance and everything. So, we need to think wisely and carefully and discuss :)

That is why we have a team. That is why "All of us are smarter than anyone of us."

Hope this was helpful. I'm going to share this with the rest of the team 'before' the meeting so that they might have enough time to read it :)

Thanks for your time! 

This will change you in exactly 60 seconds

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

A List of ITA Team Members


Let me share all what I have in mind with you tonight :)

This idea was in mind for a long time and I do hope we could do it.

What I'm trying to achieve here is very simple. Please see this: Peppermint Team Members.

Peppermint is one of the Linux Distributions and as you can see, on their website, they list the names and the pictures of all their members with a bit of introduction about each and everyone.

I do want the same for ITA Team. Yes, we don't have a website yet but we do have a blog ;)

And, you don't really need to share your own picture, you can always use an avatar ;)

Needless to say, you don't have to write a newsletter about yourself. Just few words about yourself, just like what Peppermint Team had done it.

That is all about my other idea but this time, this one is very simple and short :)

Thank you!

A Proposal for ITA Sub-Teams



One of the ideas that I have in mind and I want to share it with everyone is about the Sub-Teams of ITA Team.

Earlier, we have announced that ITA Team has started the operational phase or the Sub-Teams phase. We have so far two Sub-Teams, only one is functional or has started some tasks - ITA Logo.

One of the hardest challenges that any new project may have is 'having enough manpower'. ITA Team, as a project, somehow lacks the enough manpower, at least to operate in the form of Sub-Teams.

That said, I thought why not to go the extra miles and announce a FULL LIST of Sub-Teams for ITA so that anyone who might be interested, he/she doesn't need to think twice or keep asking a lot. To make life easier and to save time and effort. To be extra clear with ourselves (what exactly do we need or want?) and to be extra clear and direct with the whole world (give everyone the full image of what we do).

Therefore, here is my proposal to ITA Team which is a list of almost every specialty that could be a Sub-Team within ITA Team/Community/Organization.

My Proposal Full List of ITA Sub-Team

  1. Networking Sub-Team: all about networking.
  2. Graphics Design/Artwork Sub-Team: artwork or graphics design and similar.
  3. Brainstorming Sub-Team: a team that does nothing but think, share the ideas, do a brainstorming session between each other and propose the result to the rest of ITA Team.
  4. Video Editing Sub-Team: create videos, edit, etc.
  5. Marketing and Communications Sub-Team: even though we're non-profit team, as with any project, the marketing and social media department is very important.
  6. Programming Sub-Team: for programmers.
  7. Developers Sub-Team: a team for developers.
  8. QA Sub-Team: Quality Assurance team to test any software we might have within ITA.
  9. Documentation Sub-Team: for those who obsessed with documentation, writing, etc.
  10. Technical Support Sub-Team: mainly to provide online support or maybe helpdesk in real life.
  11. Translations Sub-Team: those who like to translate to different languages.
  12. Web Design Sub-Team: dealing with websites.
  13. Security and Ethical Hackers Sub-Teampenetration test, security, etc.
  14. Smart Phone Sub-Team: nowadays, smart phones are so close to computers.
  15. Linux Sub-Team: FOSS and Linux people.
  16. Windows Sub-Team: Microsoft Windows lovers.
  17. iOS Sub-Team: Apple products (software and hardware) lovers.
  18. Android Sub-Team: those who know more than others about Android.
  19. Blackberry Sub-Team: yes, I know but still.
  20. Games Sub-Team: yes Games, why not?
  21. Hardware Sub-Team: hardware people who are involved and dealing with hardware.
  22. Software Sub-Team: those who know a lot about any software for any platform.
  23. Projects Sub-Team: a team that is in charge of each and every project within ITA from planning to organization to communication, etc.
  24. Special Cases Sub-Team: this team for special cases people, those who are gifted, talented and extra ordinary Iraqi people. 
  25. Others Sub-Team: none of the above but still related to technology. Why not?

That is all what I have in mind right now.

What is next?
I shall share this post with the rest of ITA Team and if they will like the idea and vote for it, we shall make the official announcement and communicate that everywhere we could.

Thank you for your time to read this idea :)