Thursday 10 July 2014

10 Things Founders Can NOT Do

10 Things Founders Can NOT Do


Are you one of those who think being a founder is very easy, cool and anyone can do it? well, here is 10 facts that you should know before being a founder :)

I'm talking here about REAL Founders, not anyone who put that before his name or printed that on his card or included it on his signature; NO. I'm talking about true founders who truly deserve to be called with that title.

  1. Losing Faith: being a founder means you can NOT lose faith, once you do, you're no longer a founder. You either lose faith in yourself or your cause/idea/project. Either way, game is over.
  2. Giving Up: you are NOT allowed to give up if you decided to be a founder. Yes, it is as simple as that. If you give up, then you don't really deserve to be a founder. However, in order not to be so harsh and unrealistic, there must be an exception to this. If you have to deal with some kind of emergency for example or any very critical situation. However, you can take a break rather than giving up the whole thing.
  3. Losing Hope: hope is the fuel that makes you carry on. If you really want to continue with your journey, then you're not allowed to lose hope.
  4. Ego: in case you want/thinking of being a founder OR you are already one, avoid 'ego'. Being a founder does not make you a superhero with super skills. Yes, no doubt you do own some unique skills which qualified you to be a founder but you should be humble. After all, you can't be a founder on your own. You need a team and people to work with. The more humble you be, the more respectful you become.
  5. Disrespect: make sure to respect everyone around.
  6. Impatient:  while this could be one of the hardest things that you should be very careful with, I do understand it is not going to be easy at all. However, I think it is a must-have-feature in any founder. If you can't be patient, you won't be a bad founder but you will have a hard time and this will effect your performance and everything else. It is a tricky one.
  7. Ignore Communications: if 'hope' is the fuel that will keep you on the game, communication is the car that will take you to each and every point within your community/project/etc. Losing this chain will affect badly on you as a founder and on your project. Make sure to communicate with everyone, always. This is a huge plus for you and your project if you managed to do it.
  8. Running Away: don't hate me but if you can't handle the truth, don't ask me to be honest :D so, deal with it. You should be the last man standing in the battle field. Sadly, as a founder, you can't run away. You should stay even if everyone around will escape. That is your job and you have chosen that path.
  9. Losing Control: during the tough times, and yes, you will have tons of those; you can't lose control. You're the engine. You're the motivator. You're the spirit of your team/community. You should lead by example. If you lose control, you might still be a hero but none will look at you the same way they did before. Above all, you won't feel happy from the inside and this will affect you badly. You should always take full control over your project. You can't lose this one.
  10. Deep Vision and Analysis: last but not least, you can't lose these two important factors: a deep vision and analysis skills. Deep vision will always make you see the past and learn from your mistakes, deal with the present no matter how hard it gets and have an idea or a plan for the future. Having analysis skills will make you a real superhero within your team and will save a lot to you and your team. Losing these two important factors is sadly not an option.

Okay, after I have reveled my secret on my previous post, here is yet another one I do hope it is useful in case you're a founder or wish to be, one day :)

This is not from a book, not from a movie, not from anywhere. This is from my real life. This is the result of many years in this position that tell you the truth, I wish I could break through and have some peace of mind but I'm so stuck because of what I just wrote above. I'm now in even worse situation and can't take a vacation - HELP :D

Hope you enjoyed this and wish you a happy useful reading :)


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