HOWTO Help iRQLinux is a new program that aims to explain more about iRQLinux Project and how could anyone join and help?
Now, in order to create a draft for the possible episodes or parts of this new program, here is a list of the areas we need for iRQLinux:
HOWTO Help iRQLinux is a new program that aims to explain more about iRQLinux Project and how could anyone join and help?
Now, in order to create a draft for the possible episodes or parts of this new program, here is a list of the areas we need for iRQLinux:
- Developing and Packaging
- Artwork
- Documentation
- Marketing and Communications
- QA (Testing and Bug Reporting)
- HR (recruit volunteers/contributors)
- E-Learning
These are the 7 main areas which are involved (or should be involved) in iRQLinux Project.
Starting from now, we need to work hard to finish the setup of these 7 areas so that we could start the real work on iRQLinux. Failure to setup these areas means we can't release iRQLinux and for what it's worth, iRQLinux was founded in 6th of July, 2011 and the reason why we haven't done anything yet is here - check this link.
Hopefully, by the end of this year, we shall have iRQLinux version 1.0 :)
Thank you!